Program Division Timeline - 7/14/2015 This will change. It is designed to give you an idea of what things need to happen and when things need to happen. ******************************* 2014 March - Get database set up at least for idea collection. Begin some database training. March - Recruit Childrens Program, Schedule Czar, Outreach coordinators and anyone else we can (these are critical positions early on). March 28-30 - Sasquan Meeting in Spokane. If it's convenient for you to come, that's fine but it is not a required meeting. May - Guests interviewed to find out what they want to do. June - Setup periodic Skype meetings with program-staff, probably every other month until September. June - Work with Henry to draft volunteer questionnaire so it information can be included in PR2. June 24, 9pm EDT (6pm PDT) - Skype meeting June 27 - Draft for PR 2 due to Laurie for review Spring - Write database documentation Early Summer - Draft Questionnaires August 1 - Volunteer for Program form goes up. August - Possible Sasquan brainstorming session at Worldcon, try to have an informal meeting of Program folks who are there. September - Setup periodic Skype meetings with program-staff probably every month until August 2015 September - Start making invite lists. Get feedback from other DHs and regional con runners about good panelists to consider inviting. Be sure people suggested by the guests as people they want to be on panels with are included on the early invite list. Determine the "get back to us by" deadline. Typically, this is around May 1, though, in reality, Program generally honors any invitation at any time (though the later they reply, the more likely they'll only get an autographing). Early October - Finish refining survey, get GoH info tint the survey Late October - Send out some early Program invites to locals (CJ Cherryh Jane Fancher) and others (George RR Martin, Charlaine Harris) (the first big list - some locals, big names, friends of the GoHs, recent Hugo winners) [[done early Nov]] Get issues with getting bios from surveys to Web straightened out. October 31 - Write-ups for PR 3 due to Laurie for review. November - Start inviting panelists. This is done in batches. Work with Events to get invites to performers through the system. December 5-7 - Smofcon, Manhattan Beach, CA. Program meeting during con - try to come to Smofcon if you can. Will see if Skype is available during the meeting 2015 Lots of iterative work to design panels and the like. April 15 - Brainstorming ends, Idea & Program volunteer forms come down Get travel & hotel plans finalized from guests April 23 - deadline for drafts of material for PR 4 - send to April 24—26 Program Frenzy in Pittsburgh . Remote area heads do not need to plan to attend, but please be available for Skype/mail, particularly on Sunday, April 26. April 27 - final material for material for PR 4 - send to May - Work with the Program Guide editor to establish what besides the schedule is going into the Program Guide. 5/20 - Preliminary schedules due from all areas. The schedule should include opening/closing times for all public-facing areas so this information is available for Program Guide/Web/Mobile App. 5/29-5/31 All Hands Meeting in Spokane. As many people as can come to Spokane that weekend should try to attend the meeting. We plan to have a Program dinner on Saturday night. 5/30 - Have DHs look at and comment on draft schedule during the meeting. 6/6 - Send out draft schedule to participants. They must reply by 6/30 with any comments or changes. The draft schedule at this point is typically everything except autographing, stroll, KK/LB and maybe readings. The schedule does change as people drop out, make late decisions to come, and so on. 6/15 - Deadline for sending out any remaining rejection letters. Anyone who specifically volunteers for Program will be informed of whether or not we can use them. It needs to be done early enough because some volunteers won't come unless they're on Program. This deadline should be pre-announced. 6/22 - Work on scheduling Pub Crawl leaders 6/26 - Once the new rooms are finalized, add items for the new function room and adjust schedule accordingly. 7/1 - Finish scheduling Readings in the other new room. 7/4 - Start scheduling KKs, Autographings, Literary Beers. 7/9 - Finish up Program Item Descriptions in Grenadine, finish scheduling, assigning people to items 7/10 - Have DHs look at and comment on final schedule. 7/12 - Program Staff Meeting 5pm EDT (2pm PDT) Draft of any material you want in the Convention Guide/Mobile App/Website due. 7/14 - Scheduling needs to be done. 7/15 - Send out final schedule to participants, they must reply by 7/25 7/16 - Item registration testing 7/23 - Deadline for all final Convention Guide/Mobile App material. 7/24 - Deadline for signs late July - work with Newsletter to set-up deadlines for Program material. It looks like if we need to run a “pink sheet edition” for Wednesday that we’ll need to print it off Tuesday night. 7/27 - Review draft of Convention Guide 7/29 - Be sure you have your hotel reservation made; hotel block closes. 7/31 - Be sure you have your membership; pre-reg closes. 8/3 - Convention Guide goes to printer (Digital Lizard) Log all subsequent Program changes in a file that will become the "Pink Sheet” (Program Changes) for program changes. If we do everything right, we might not need to publish Pink Sheets at all (changes would just go into the Wednesday newsletter) but we should plan/budget to do a Pink Sheet for Wednesday. Convention Guide version published for mobile app and the Web. August - Continue to make and track late Program changes. early August - Work with Services to get a local cell phone and number as early in the month as possible. Recommended in June that we have a Program Ops phone for all of August. 8/15 - Laurie & Jim leave Pittsburgh/arrive in Spokane. 8/16 - Program staff starts arriving. Laurie & Jim will buy an All-in-One printer and it will be available in their hotel room Sunday afternoon (and, if needed, on Monday). 8/17 - Program Ops 402AB set-up. Materials that need to be printed for/included in the participant packets: participant schedules (printed in Pittsburgh) back of badge schedule sticker (printed in Pittsburgh) general info letter (printed in Spokane) Hugos pre-party & post-party invites/nominee pins 8/18 - Program Ops printers & computers must be running and available, often hotel meeting with DHs is this day, careful resume review, all participant packets must be assembled and ready to pass out by 1pm (Except for GoH/MC materials that go to Guest Relations) Program Ops now controls all Program changes/updates. Printed Program Guides must be at Registration by 1:00. Other materials to be printed: table signs room schedule signs directional signs 8/18 - Program table in Registration is set-up, guests arrive late Program changes assembled for pink sheet. Program area heads/staff arrive no later than 8/18, late afternoon. Likely Sasquan Event at local library, 4-6 Wednesday, August 19-Sunday, August 23 - Sasquan, Spokane Worldcon 8/19 - At 9:00am, all staff present meet at 206A to set-up rooms. May need to pick up some stuff at Logistics. Meet with Technical, review all room set-ups Program Ops in full swing, pink sheet with Program changes published by noon (hopefully, this is the only time it will be needed and future Program changes will be few enough to go into the Newsletter). Program starts (don't panic) at noon. 2pm - we pick up rooms in Doubletree 8/19 - Oversee set-up for function rooms in the Doubletree at 3pm [[First Night with Events]] Daily change list to newsletter early (probably by 9am) 8/20 - Daily change list to newsletter early (probably by 9am). 9:30 - check to ensure wall between 300A & B is open 12:45 - check to ensure wall between 300A & B is closed 8/21 - [[Masquerade]] Daily change list to newsletter early (probably by 9am). 9:30 - check to ensure wall between 300A & B is open 12:45 - check to ensure wall between 300A & B is closed 8/22 - [[SuperScienceSaturday/Hugos]] Daily change list to newsletter early (probably by 9am) 9:00am Help with SuperScienceSaturday Set-up in Exhibit Hall 9:30 - check to ensure wall between 300A & B is open 12:45 - check to ensure wall between 300A & B is closed 6:00pm Help with SuperScienceSaturday Teardown in Exhibit Hall 8/23 - Daily change list to newsletter early (probably by 9am), convention ends, Program Ops & Green Room close, file expense reports, write a brief report on how things went 9:30 - check to ensure wall between 300A & B is open 8/24 - Guests leave (some may leave on 8/23) 8/24-8/31 - Laurie and Jim on vacation and not generally reachable. 9/1 - 9/30 - Get thank-you notes out, write a more detailed report on how things went